Consultation with with the Child Friendly Southampton Team

On Thursday 5th January the JTAs meet with Sallie from the Child Friendly Southampton Team. They came into school to consult with the young people and to find out what their thoughts are about their city and what they would like for the future to make their city even more child friendly. They wrote and drew their ideas and then were given three votes each to find out what they think their top areas for development are in our city. Sallie took away the votes and will add them to the other 1400 votes across the city and from that they will draw up a plan. Then, over the next 4years Southampton City Council will put that plan into action. This was a fantastic and important opportunity for our young people to be involved with deciding what they want from their city. To find out more click on the video and also read the report. A huge thank you to the Child Friendly Team for coming into Sholing Juniors and we look forward to your next visit with an update.

Modeshift STARS Awards

For more information about the Modeshift STARS Awards Event in London, click on the link below to their website.

FREE -October half term cycling skills

Sign up for the following children’s cycling events, run by SUSTRANS Bike It Ray, Southampton City Council. These events are free:

Ditch the Stabiliser – Learn to ride lessons

Cycling Skills for new and experienced riders

Click on the link: