Clean Air Day is the UK's largest Air Pollution Campaign and we supported the event as a whole school with great success. Every class talked about air pollution, what it is and how we can reduce it. Every child wrote a Clean Air Day Pledge, one small change they can make to improve air quality. With everyone in the school making one small change we can work together to make a big change. Small Steps=A Big Change.

 Every class worked together to look at the Lungs Air Quality Exhibit, lent to us by the Air Quality Team Southampton City Council(Thank you SCC) and discussed the facts around air pollution and how we can improve it.

Then the Junior Travel Ambassadors put up everyone's Clean Air Day Pledge on a display in the hall in order for the whole school to see the impact of everyone working together to make one small change.

We can repair the air together. Keep up the great work Sholing Juniors.

Child Friendly Southampton Report

Updated: 06/01/2025 4.25 MB

Child Friendly Southampton Animation
Watch this video which explains results of data already collected across the city